Degree in bio-organic chemistry
(Universita' degli Studi of Milan)
European Patent and Trademark Attorney
Community Design Attorney
Italian Patent and Trademark Agent
Admitted before UIBM, EPO, EUIPO, WIPO and USBM
Adjunct professor at Universita' degli Studi of Milan (2011-2015)
Technical expert of the Court of Milan and Venice
European Patent Litigator CEIPI diploma
He has published several articles on "Il Sole-24 Ore", "Pharmachem" and "Il Diritto Industriale".
Ordine dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale (Italian Industrial Property Consultants Institute)
Collegio Italiano dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale (Italian association representing FICPI at national level)
AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property)
FICPI (International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys) - President
FICPI (International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys) - Secretary General (2015-2022)
Board of Chemists (1996-2017)